sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011

Django Better Form - on Server

System - Sistema: Server - Servidor
Python version unknown
Django version unknown

Installing and configuring django-form-utils on Server
Without easy_install command

Extras: Multi-edit
Ubuntu Gedit (very useful) plugin
Get Multi-edit!

Uninstalling previous django-form-utils easy_install installation:
 $ sudo easy_install -mxN django-form-utils  

Start a form-utils django app in your project:
 $ python manage.py startapp form_utils  
and then:
Download django-form-utils python source code
Download django-form-utils 0.2.0
django-form-utils project page
copy the content of file form_utils downloaded to your form_utils app.

Enjoy! Divirta-se!

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